I've been busy redecorating my boys' rooms... in and amongst all of my other craft projects. I'm getting close to being done so that I can post the final pics, but I thought I'd throw in a quick tutorial.
We've all seen the
no sew fleece blankets. They've been around for a few years.
(My oldest had a few as a baby, but he chewed on the tassels like a little dog... gross...so I had to take them away from him.) Anyway, my mother in law made my boys no sew fleece pillows a few years ago. The boys have loved them, but they no longer match their room. So, I decided to make them new ones. I took them to the fabric store and let them pic out their fabric.

The first thing you do is to cut your two pieces of fabric 8 inches larger than your pillow form. I had a 16" pillow form, so I cut my fabric squares 24"x24".

Because I like to do things as quick as possible, I kept the two pieces of fabric layered on top of each other so that I could cut both pieces at the same time.

You need to cut a 4" square out of each corner.

Then, go around the edges and cut strips about 1" wide by 4" long. I used my rotary cutter and it went super quick!

Last, put the pillow in between the layers of fabric and tie the tassels together.

That's it!!! These were so fast. I think I made both of them in about 30 minutes... but I may be exaggerating a tiny bit.

They look great on their bed with the fun pillow shams that I appliqued. When I get the room completely finished, I'll take some pics of the pillow shams up close.